Diane would love to share her joy in the Lord and her love for His Word at your event! With more than 30 years’ experience in speaking at women’s events, leading seminars, teaching classes, and mentoring women, Diane will bring a unique perspective to your program.
Whether it’s a topic that you find here on her site, or a topic/theme that you’ve already chosen, Diane would look forward to helping you make your program an exciting event for your ladies!
Though she has a limited number of dates available, Diane would be glad to consider adding your event to her schedule. You can start by checking out a list of topics and then complete a Speaking Invitation Form. Or, you can go straight to the form. Once we receive your information, we’ll review it and get back to you right away.
Our prayer is that God will bless your event to the glory and praise of Christ Jesus!
What People Are Saying
- “Diane does an absolutely wonderful job. I learned so much! Thank you very, very much!” – D.V.
- “Listening to Diane share her knowledge and passion for Christ is contagious!” – J.C.
- “You have strengthened my walk with Jesus more than you could ever know. Thank you!” – D.G.
- “Thank you for teaching us the Bible! Your classes are so interesting. I could sit there for hours.” – T.S.
- “This is a must-repeat class for me…. God’s richest blessings on you!” – L.J.
- “I never knew there were so many ways to pray or that so much happens in the heavens when I pray. Wow! You’ve opened my eyes!” – J.T
- “Diane tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the Bible.” – S.L.
Speaking Topics
WOW! (Winning Over Worry)
Why does worry torture so many women? What are the top reasons we worry? Can we overcome it? Yes—but how? You’ll identify with so many elements of this presentation! You’ll think, you’ll laugh, you’ll search scripture, and you’ll be encouraged with the short-term and long-term solutions.
50 minutes of teaching. May be split into two 25-minute sessions.
With All My Heart
God calls you, gifts you, and wants you to be faithful to the end. Sounds great, huh? But what does it mean? Can you know—and do—what God expects from you? How does faith-filled living look in an everyday world? We’ll examine three areas in which God longs for your undivided heart.
50 minutes of teaching. May be split into two 25-minute sessions.
At Peace in the Quiet
We live at a frenetic pace in an on-the-go world! Peace & quiet can be hard to find, and when it does come along we often don’t know what to do with it. Jesus carved quiet time out of one of the busiest lives ever lived. We’ll learn from Him how we can find peace & quiet, and how to make the most of it.
20-30 minutes of teaching.
Passing the Faith Along
The Church is one generation away from extinction. We hear it said, but do we understand it’s truth? How can we pass on a powerful, passionate faith to our children—so strong that they will in turn pass it on to their children? This session highlights three valuable treasures of a faithful life that can be shared with generations to come.
30 minutes of teaching. Expandable into three 20-minute sessions for retreat use.
The Golden Exchange
The Christian life is an astonishing partnership. We are invited by Christ to join Him as brothers/sisters, co-laborers and co-heirs! We’ll look at the joy we have in what we give to God, and the joy we have in what God gives to us.
90 minutes of teaching, divided into two 45-minute or three 30-minute sessions.
Living Christ
Who is Jesus to you? Your answer is critical. Many—even many Christians—think of Him in past tense. But He is a living Lord, very much present with us, who calls us to the adventure of a lifetime! Based on Philippians 1 & 2, we’ll take a realistic look at the Christ who lives today, and at the life He calls me to live in Him today.
70-80 minutes of teaching, divided into two 35-40 minute sessions.
Crazy Christmas? Or Christ-Centered Christmas?
Studies show that one major cause of depression and stress is a feeling that life is out of control. For many women, this in never more true than at the Christmas season with its countless demands and excesses. How can we combine prayer and action to bring a healthy balance to the holidays? A practical, fun look at keeping Christ at the center of Christmas.
25 minutes of teaching.