Praying Psalm 29

I love a summer storm! Our back porch is my favorite sheltered storm-watching spot when rain pelts, thunder rumbles, and lightning flashes across the sky. Maybe, like me, you enjoy watching from a safe place—or maybe you fear storms, happy when they pass and the sun shines again.

As a boy, David surely watched many storms (common in Judea in certain seasons) from the shelter of shallow caves or rocky overhangs as he tended his father’s sheep near Bethlehem. Later he wrote Psalm 29, turning the storm to praise as he likened the power of God’s voice to a storm—thundering over the waters, powerful and majestic, breaking the cedars, striking like lightning, shaking the desert, stripping the forests bare, and twisting the mighty oaks. Many pagan cults of David’s time had gods of storms, thunder, lightning or hail; David recognized his God as Almighty Lord over it all.

No Fear

The final two verses of Psalm 29 assure us that enthroned over the flood and the storm sits the Lord, giving strength to His people and blessing them with peace. In Himself, He possesses power mightier than any storm we face, allowing us to stand calm and fearless, peaceful in the tempest.

I once read about a worried father who crept into his small son’s room one stormy night. Little Jacob was awake and happily snuggled against his father, but said, “I’m ok, Daddy.” He paused, then asked, “Daddy, you lived in this house when you were little, right?” His father nodded. “And Grandpa lived in this house when he was little too, didn’t he?” Again, his father nodded yes. Jacob continued, “I think there must have been a lot of storms in all that time. If this house has stood that long, I don’t need to be afraid when the wind blows.”

When the winds of life rage around me I have no fear. I have confidence in God who has seen His people safely through every kind of storm through the ages. Nothing that faces me is greater than my omnipotent God who encompasses me. He is my shelter, a safe place from which to watch the winds blow.

A Shelter in the Time of Storm

About 1880, Vernon Charlesworth wrote a hymn that became a favorite of fishermen on the north coast of England who often encountered terrible storms at sea. Two of its verses say:

The Lord’s our Rock, in Him we hide,
A Shelter in the time of storm;
Secure, whatever ill betide,
A Shelter in the time of storm.

A shade by day, defense by night,
A Shelter in the time of storm;
No fears alarm, no foes afright,
A Shelter in the time of storm.

So we can pray: “Father, I worship You in all Your majesty and glory, in the splendor of Your might. Over the tumult of busyness, over the raging gale of troubles, over the threat of enemies, over obstacles, over the sandstorm of a spiritual desert, may I hear Your awesome voice assuring me that You are there, enthroned over it all. I take shelter in You when the winds blow, finding my peace and strength in You until the sun shines again.”

Is a storm swirling around you on this night? Read Psalm 29 and take shelter in your Lord who sits enthroned above the storm. You are His and you are loved.

© Diane McLoud 2013

6 Comments on “Praying Psalm 29

  1. Thank you Diane. Am having a very hard stressful day. I sure needed a rest from all these storms!!!

    • Praying for you right now. Hope you can rest in His shelter tonight, and that tomorrow is more peaceful.

  2. Here’s a song—one of those that lately I just can’t get out of my mind—that I first heard years ago (when I was in college, about 107 years ago) sung by The Downings:

    “The sea of life is raging, the storm clouds ’round me roll,
    I’m tossed about in turmoil, it’s growing very cold.
    By myself I’d never make it, but this one thing I know,
    When I speak the name of Jesus, the storm clouds have to go.

    When I say Master, the storm clouds disappear.
    When I say Father, He drives away my fear.
    When I say Savior, my blinded eyes can see.
    When I say Jesus, He speaks peace to me.”
    – Phil Johnson, Dimension Music

    • I remember that song. (Yes, I was around during those college days 107 years ago!)

  3. Thanks once again, Diane for the reminder that God is all powerful and eager to help us in our time of need…….(which is just about all the time)

    • You snuck this comment in quietly, Denise! I didn’t see it until now. You’re right about His power. So glad He’s promised to help us in our need—and has more than enough power to back it up!

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