#75: My Heart, His Temple

In Old Testament times, the prophet Ezekiel was assigned a sad task. He had to bring God’s message of judgment to His people, rebellious Israel. As a captive who had been carried off to Babylon, Ezekiel recorded a… Read More

#74: A Mighty Mite

An old story tells of a conversation between a hen and a hog. The hen approached the hog one day and said, “Our farmer has been so good to us. We always have plenty to eat. Our barn… Read More

#73: Taking Off the Mask

October is here—the month of changing leaves, crisp apples, cornstalks, costume parties, and trick-or-treat. From toddler to adult, people of all ages will don masks, transforming into princesses and ogres, angels and demons, action heroes and villains. It… Read More

#72: Jesus, Outside the Box

At the end of a busy day, I love a few minutes of “me” time. I used to unwind with a cup of tea. A good book. A soak in a hot tub. I still like all those… Read More

#71: The Rest of the Story

Paul Harvey, the well-loved radio personality, became famous for his broadcasts called “The Rest of the Story.” In each episode Harvey told an engaging story, withholding a key piece of information (like the person’s name or the story’s… Read More

#70: Are You Spiritually Fit?

Body builders are disciplined people. I have sons and brothers-in-law and friends who push themselves to work out each day, refusing to skip a day. They know how difficult it is to re-establish a routine if they let… Read More

#69: What Will Be Your Legacy?

My grandma Hilda died at age 90 after a long, active godly life. Her lifelong “career” of service to Christ began in 1928 when at age fourteen she started teaching a third-grade Sunday school class. After her death,… Read More

#68: Targeted for Transformation

I love the parables of Jesus—the prodigal son, the sower, the lost sheep, the mustard seed, the pearl of great price, and many more. Jesus was a master teller of “simple” stories with layers of meaning that commentators… Read More