#69: What Will Be Your Legacy?

My grandma Hilda died at age 90 after a long, active godly life. Her lifelong “career” of service to Christ began in 1928 when at age fourteen she started teaching a third-grade Sunday school class. After her death,… Read More

#42: A Golden Exchange

Welcome to Knowing Jesus, our study of Jesus’ life viewed through the lens of Mark’s gospel. As the Word made flesh (Jn. 1:14), Jesus came to “speak” or express God in human terms—to demonstrate how God would live… Read More

#26: A Robe of Flesh

“The Word became flesh and lived for a while among us.” (John 1:14a) Have you stopped to think how monumental that statement is? Jesus took on a robe of flesh so we could see how God would live… Read More

#23: All About Results!

A contractor begins a construction project. What’s his goal? Large, neat stacks of building materials? Creative architectural drawings? No. He wants to see a building go up. Unless a useful structure results, the contractor’s plans are useless. A… Read More

#21: Choosing Right When Wrong Feels Better

Welcome to our study, Knowing Jesus! Last week, we completed Mark 3. (In the archives you’ll find any posts you missed.) By the end of this study, we’ll have a pretty detailed picture of the life of Christ… Read More

#16: Getting to Know Jesus

Welcome to Knowing Jesus, our Wednesdays In the Word study through the book of Mark. We’re on a quest to understand holy living through the example of Jesus—God in flesh. Last week, we completed Mark 2. Let’s sum… Read More

#14: New Wine

Happy Wednesday! Welcome to Knowing Jesus, our study through Mark’s gospel. Last week we saw Jesus criticized for hanging out with “sinners.” Today, we’ll see Him tell His critics, “Get used to it. I haven’t come to bring… Read More

#11: Lessons Learned

Welcome back to our study on Mark. We’re on a mission to know Jesus better. So glad you’re here! Pick up your Bible and read on. Read Mark 1, letting your mind wander back over all we’ve discussed… Read More