#49: A Feast for Your Soul

Bread. It’s in every country, on every continent, through every era, in some form or other. It’s all through the Bible, from manna (called the “grain of heaven” and “bread of angels” in Psalm 78:24-25), to the Passover’s… Read More

#47: An “Aha!” Moment

One of my favorite things about Bible study is the “Aha!” moment when a new breakthrough comes. When I see a truth I never saw before. When the Holy Spirit lights up a passage that never made sense… Read More

#22: A Bumper Crop of Righteousness

Gardening is not my gift. I don’t have a green thumb on either hand! My best attempt involved a pre-seeded mat from Walmart, that promised a foolproof 10 x 4′ flower garden. The instructions said to simply roll… Read More

#16: Getting to Know Jesus

Welcome to Knowing Jesus, our Wednesdays In the Word study through the book of Mark. We’re on a quest to understand holy living through the example of Jesus—God in flesh. Last week, we completed Mark 2. Let’s sum… Read More