#47: An “Aha!” Moment

One of my favorite things about Bible study is the “Aha!” moment when a new breakthrough comes. When I see a truth I never saw before. When the Holy Spirit lights up a passage that never made sense… Read More

#46: When Blind Eyes See

During my college years, a friend suffered a retinal injury that left him temporarily blind. He wore patches over both eyes for several weeks during which he had to be led around campus. He found amazing ways to… Read More

#18: In His Presence

Welcome to our study, Knowing Jesus! Have you ever wondered what it was like to be in Jesus’ presence? Let’s read from the Word. Read Mark 3:7-12. Also read Matthew 9:35-36 and 12:15-21. The Jewish leaders’ foul attitude… Read More

#16: Getting to Know Jesus

Welcome to Knowing Jesus, our Wednesdays In the Word study through the book of Mark. We’re on a quest to understand holy living through the example of Jesus—God in flesh. Last week, we completed Mark 2. Let’s sum… Read More

#4: Trial in the Wilderness

Thanks for joining our study on Mark. Our goal is to know Jesus. We need to know Him if we’re to become more like Him! Keep in mind that Jesus’ role as the Word in flesh was to… Read More

#3: To Fulfill All Righteousness

I hope you’re enjoying our study of Mark, with our goal being to know Jesus better! Be sure to check out the first two blogs of this series in the archive if you’ve missed them. Today we’re looking… Read More