#21: Choosing Right When Wrong Feels Better

Welcome to our study, Knowing Jesus! Last week, we completed Mark 3. (In the archives you’ll find any posts you missed.) By the end of this study, we’ll have a pretty detailed picture of the life of Christ… Read More

#17: Envy—Four Ways to Beat It (Part 2)

My friend was giving me a grand tour of her newly-built house. I do mean grand. Every room was beautiful from lofty ceiling to gleaming floor. Even the garage was perfect. Walking through her large living room, I… Read More

#17: Envy—Four Ways it Destroys (Part 1)

Glad you’re here, joining in as we begin studying Mark 3 in Knowing Jesus! Envy—nicknamed “the green-eyed monster”—has been gnawing on humans since Eden, when satan’s siren song enticed Eve to eat forbidden fruit out of desire to… Read More