Posted on October 30, 2013
#26: A Robe of Flesh
“The Word became flesh and lived for a while among us.” (John 1:14a) Have you stopped to think how monumental that statement is?
Jesus took on a robe of flesh so we could see how God would live as a human. When we’re under pressure, He shows us how to have peace. When we’re dealing with difficult people, we can look to Jesus for ideas. When we want God to be pleased with us, Jesus’ example guides us. He expressed God for us in a way we’d be able to relate to and understand. (See week #1 of this series in the archives for more on that.)
Ultimately, He showed us God by loving us perfectly—shedding His perfection to take on our sin and then conquering sin and death so we could live in righteousness.
Welcome to Wednesdays in the Word, and our current study Knowing Jesus. With this post, you’ve now studied through the first quarter of Mark’s gospel, as we wrap up chapter four. I pray you’re seeing Jesus in a whole new way!
Read through Mark 4.
This chapter shows us several glimpses of Jesus in action, and gives us opportunities to learn from Him how to honor God.
As a teacher, Jesus lived out His own parable by sowing the news of God’s salvation generously—anywhere, everywhere, all the time. Whether welcomed or rejected, He shared God’s truth. He’s called us to do the same, with the understanding that most will not hear our message. But when seed we’ve sown lands in fertile hearts, takes hold, and produces fruit, we get a taste of His joy at watching faith grow.
As an example, Jesus slept peacefully through the storm. While His disciples were in total panic, He was fearless and calm. He was completely confident that His time would not end until God determined that His mission was complete—and that even the end would be for God’s glory.
Paul expressed that same confidence in Philippians 1:20-21: “I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”
When our mission is to glorify God, we come to understand that our current circumstances don’t matter because our goal is unaffected. I can glorify Him in calm or storm, in health or sickness, in pleasure or pain. He is Lord of it all, and He is my Lord through it all.
As a mentor, Jesus challenged His disciples boldly. On the heels of a severe test of faith, still dripping wet, He said, “Where is your faith?” He might have said, “I’m in this boat too. How did you see Me handling the storm?”
Storms are “where the rubber meets the road” in terms of faith. Faith is an easy matter when all is calm. But when troubling winds are howling around us and we can still sleep unafraid, then He sees the strength of our faith and He’s proud of what He sees.
In Proverbs, we read “…When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Have no fear of sudden disaster…for the Lord will be your confidence.” (Prov. 3:24-26) When He is our confidence, storms lose their power over us and we know real peace.
In whatever you encounter this week, pray for a clear picture of Jesus’ example—the Word clothed in flesh to show us how to live like God.
© Diane McLoud 2013
Hi Diane……How are you? I know that we all go through difficult times in our lives. God did not promise us an easy path. Its comforting to know that He is with us constantly guiding us if we let Him. I pray everyday that I will definetly hear His voice. I don’t know what people do without Him. Have a wonderful day in the Lord ! thanks so much
We all have storms—you’re right! And they never get easier, except that we may learn to run to Him faster each time. We learn that He IS our peace, even in the midst of the storm. I wouldn’t want to do a single storm without Him. Thanks, Denise!
Hi Diane……How are you? I know that we all go through difficult times in our lives. God did not promise us an easy path. Its comforting to know that He is with us constantly guiding us if we let Him. I pray everyday that I will definetly hear His voice. I don’t know what people do without Him. Have a wonderful day in the Lord ! thanks so much